Being a natural 'doer' I tend to get things done in good timing. This way of operating worked for me... until it didn't. I kept asking myself why I am not getting results if I am 'doing' so much.

I love checklists and ticking things out of the list. Of course, I have lazy moments, or days... but my nature is to operate more from my left brain and I consider myself a very organised person when it comes to tackling any project.

So it was very surprising to me when I realised my 'doing' wasn't enough for a particular goal I had set up for myself.

Then I learned this concept, have you heard of the Pareto rule 80/20? Well, if you haven't all you need to know is in this theory. 80% of the results you get in life come from how aligned your mindset is with the result.

I am a 100% believer (now) that your mindset will determine the results you get in life. I see it like this: If your goal is in front of you and you are trying to move forward, but your mindset is filled with doubts and not aligned with the goal, it is as if you had a thread pulling to one of the sides. 

It is only when both the action and the mindset move in the same direction that you can advance.

Let's use my seeking for an incredible relationship as an example, I did not want more than that at some point in my life. Yet if I was being honest with myself I did not believe the man I wanted existed, or even worse, that I deserved him.

This applies to any situation, at home or at work. Big or small goals.

Creating a powerful mindset has been my passion for the last 20 years. It hasn't been easy but I have learned a lot about my mistakes and all of my studies. In today's episode of Amplify, I am sharing my top techniques to help you step up your mindset game.

You can listen to the new episode on Spotify, Google podcast or Apple Podcast.  Or you can also watch them on YouTube

The episodes are short and right to the point with some practical tools you can implement straight away.

To making sure your mindset is aligned!

Lots of love,

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
