Between 2016 and 2019, I took part in a coaching program with an international group of women who traveled the world with our coach and mentor Gina DeVee.

We would stay in contact online with live sessions and a Facebook group. Every year we would meet in 4 different destinations, mostly in Europe and the US. 

At one time we had more than 270 women together at a single location. It was an amazing experience that taught me SO much. Not only what I learned from my coach, but what I learned from every single individual in that group.

One topic that came up early on this journey was jealousy and comparison. Imagine 270 women from all over the world sharing a whole year together, if the topic was not addressed it could have gotten 'very interesting'.

March 2018 Dubai with Gina DeVee and my high-level mastermind group

I will never forget the day Gina talked about the concept of comparison and competition. I have never been one to compete with other people, but I have to accept, I have compared myself with others and a lot. I think these days social media makes it worse than ever before.

I always share how we are meant to connect and work with the people that feel attracted and connected with us. As a unique human being, with very specific skills, life experiences and personality. 

That is why the biggest part of the work I do with individuals is to get them to share more openly and confidently who they are. Then people and opportunities that are meant for them will come their way.

Learning what I learned from Gina was life-changing for me. Comparing ourselves with others is the biggest waste of time. Not only because we are unique individuals, but because comparison comes from a place of lack. Instead, look at others in awe and see what IS possible. See them as a teacher showing you what can also be available for you. 

Translating this into personal branding terms, there is no such thing as competition, because there is a unique group of people that will only be attracted to work with you. That will be connecting to your uniqueness. There are 7.7 billion people in the world! And the number of opportunities we all have in such a big world is countless.

The more you own who you are and the sooner you decide to share that and your expertise with the world, the better. Those who don't like it, feel offended by it or judge you for it, are not your people anyway. They can go somewhere else. BUT!! those who connect and like what they hear or see will come to you. 

What if we stop thinking of competition and realise we are all very unique individuals with completely different strengths and that there are enough opportunities out there for all of us?

Make this an amazing week!

Alba Gomez is a presence and personal brand coach, keynote speaker, first impressions specialist and professional image consultant. Born in Colombia and based in Australia, she travels nationally and internationally for speaking, executive coaching, consulting and training.

Alba works with individuals and small groups right through to large corporations. She brings her client’s brand into line with their personal and professional roles, giving them the clarity and confidence to communicate and be their best. Alba uses a unique, results-orientated approach, drawing on her 14 years of experience with systems and processes as an engineer. 
